Seawood's Creative Images


JC & Marcella | Wedding Session

JC & Marcella wedding was my last wedding of 2022 and it was a blast. Their wedding was in Osawatomie Ks, at and event location called The Cornerstone: By Cliques's Events. I personally have not been to the town of Osawatomie since i was in high school for a track event in 1999.

The event space: This space was actually pretty roomy. It had 2 floors, the ceremony and dressing rooms downstairs and the reception and food upstairs. The ceremony had offered plenty of daylight open windows for photography at this day and time, reception not so much as it wasn't any windows upstairs. The building was definitely bigger on the inside than what it appears on the outside lol.

The couple: I met with the wedding couple I believe 6 or so months prior to the wedding for a meet and greet to get to know each other and a game plan of how they wanted the wedding to go. Since it was the couples first marriage, they didn't have to much input to offer on the wedding, so i stepped up and offered some suggestions and plans from my pervious wedding i have done. They liked most of my ideas, changed very little and we had a game plan. Marcella wanted to let me know, that she didn't like being the center of attention, i told her that would be hard as your the star of this show but i can do my best to take some of the attention off of you. Jc didn't mind and could of went either way.

Rehearsal: I like to go to all my couples rehearsals, that way i can get to know the other party thats involved, can scoop out the area before hand for light placement and shot planning, and what lenses i will need to use/bring. The rehearsal was the day before the wedding and it all went according to plan except when it was time do drive back home. It rained super hard that evening and i had about a 40 mile drive to my home. I had to slow down to about 40 mph on the highway becasue of the rain. I had to pull over once and i honestly didn't think i was gonig to make it back home that night, but i did.

Wedding day: Before my 40 mile drive to the wedding, i stopped at Chick-Fil-A to get a quick byte to eat. I only did this so i could have some food in my stomach in case i didn't get a chance to eat at the reception. I made it about an hour early (i'm alwasy early) get my lights set up in the reception hall, pick out what lens i will use for the cermony and behind the scenes photos like dressing room photos and people entering. Then thats when the video crew show up and kind of messed up my game plan for my orginal shooting locations during the cermony. I had orginally planned on moving around to get different angles but they were using 3 cameras, 2 in a fixed postition and 1 mobile. They, like me had found the good spots to be in. So since video, they could't really move them i chose to stay in on position that was on the side to middle of the isle, and it worked out in my favor.

Reception: This reception was fun, almost everyone got up and danced. As i promised to Marcella, when everyone was dancing, we snuck over to cut the cake while no one was really looking or paying attention, but she still had to do the first dance though. The brides dad wanted me to take a break and get some food, but me being me, i didn't want to at first, but that food was banging and smelling good. So i stopped for a minute and ate then went right back to work.

Final: The couple was very eager to receive the photos, which they did about 5 or so days later. They were thrilled because for one, it was much earlier than what i told them ( up to 2 weeks) and they just loved their expressions and the photos they received. They highly recommended me to others.

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